Indian stock markets crashed on January 6, 2025, with the BSE Sensex falling by more than 1,200 points and the Nifty 50 index sinking below the 23,700 level. The Nifty 50 was down by 329.35 points, at 23,675.40, and the BSE Sensex was down 0.90% at 79,223.11 points. This downturn is attributed to several factors, including global economic […]
Posted inTrends
Tata Sons prioritizes financial independence and discontinues debt support for new businesses
Tata Sons has directed its subsidiaries, this includes Air India, Tata Digital or Tata Electronics, to independently assume their debts and liabilities as part of a strategic alteration. Consequently, this practice that was widely used by the Tata Group, of providing leadership with financial aid in the form of cross default clauses and letters of […]
Posted inTrends
Royal Enfield Bullet 1986 Old Bill – Priced at Just Rs. 18,700
1986 Bullet 350 Viral Bill: The Royal Enfield Bullet 350 is one of the most popular motorcycles in the Indian market. Although it has changed, its design remains the same- same today, its popularity has become much more advanced than before, and it has also become expensive. Royal Enfield is seen constantly updating the features of […]