If you are thinking of buying Thar Roxx, the 5-door variant of Mahindra Thar, then your budget may get a shock. Mahindra has increased the prices of Thar drastically in early 2025. Mahindra has increased the prices of both petrol and diesel models by about 2.86% (₹ 60,000). This announcement has been made officially by the company, which has shocked the customers. So let’s know about it
Petrol variant price
Let us tell you that only the price of petrol variants has increased, however, the relief is that the price of only 1 out of 5 petrol variants has been increased. The price of the remaining 4 variants has been kept the same. But, the price of 6 diesel variants has increased.
New Prices of Mahindra Thar Roxx
The Mahindra Thar Roxx petrol variant starts at ₹ 12.99 lakh (ex-showroom), while the diesel variant starts at ₹ 13.99 lakh (ex-showroom).
Petrol AX7 LAT:
Old Price: ₹19.99 Lakh
New Price: ₹20.49 Lakh
Increase: ₹50,000 (2.5%)
MX5 MT 4×4:
Old Price: ₹18.79 Lakh
New Price: ₹19.09 Lakh
Increase: ₹30,000 (1.6%)
AX5 LAT 4×4:
Old Price: ₹20.99 Lakh
New Price: ₹21.09 Lakh
Increase: ₹10,000 (0.48%)
Old Price: ₹18.99 Lakh
New Price: ₹19.49 Lakh
Increase: ₹50,000 (2.63%)
Even after the price hike of Mahindra Thar Roxx, it is a great option for off-roading enthusiasts. Its strong performance and trustworthy brand image keep it a popular SUV in the market. If you are planning to buy it, then this may be the right time, as prices may increase further in the coming months.