Launched in mid-2019, Tata Motors is gearing up to launch its electric version of yet another spectacular SUV, the Harrier, by mid-March 2025. Powered by a 75 kWh battery charge point, the new Tata Harrier EV shall be able to boast of an immense range suitable for city and inter-city travel. 

Design and Features

The next one is Harrier EV, will look almost the same as its ICE sibling but with aerodynamic upgrades to show off its electrical nature. The modifications in design include the deportation of the grille design at the rear and eye-catching LED lighting (;Daytime running lights;DRL) with modified look new model of 19-inch alloy wheels with aerodynamic look are added. Specific details include mini LEDs across the entire width of the vehicle at the rear and a new bumper. 

Organization and Description

With a twin motor set up, the company needs to provide All Wheel Drive (AWD) in the Harrier EV boosting its performance. The proposed 75 kWh battery is believed to give a fairly good range, which would be enough for the Indian market that demands longer ranges in their electric vehicles. 

position and competition

When launched, the Tata Harrier EV will join a new exciting electric car segment in India including the Mahindra XUV900 Electric. The Indian car maker currently has ten global electric models in the pipeline for launch by the end of the FY 2024/25 which includes the Harrier EV.

The manufacturing version of the Harrier EV is set to be showcased at the Bharat Mobility Expo 2025 in January so potential buyers of the car will be able to test drive it before its official release to the public. The Tata Harrier EV is another level up in eléctrico motoring from the Tata Motors and provides customers with features like handling, range, and looks. The Sociable: New car market in India – Suzuki is right on track and the Harrier EV will be a perfect example of an environmentally friendly car.


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